Mom.com app: (1/6)
Freelance UI Designer
The project goal was to design mobile app versions of Cafemom’s popular Mom.com coupon site for ‘Droid and iOS in two weeks. This included icons, sketches, wireframes, flow and final design as well as instructions for dev. Data from the desktop site was used as the basis for the user persona.

Mom.com app: (2/6)
Freelance UI Designer
Sketches showing options for the "My Account" Dashboard. Due to the tight timeframe we went straight from sketch to visual design.

Mom.com app: (3/6)
Freelance UI Designer
Sketches showing options for the "My Account" Dashboard. Due to the tight timeframe we went straight from these sketches to visual design.

Mom.com app: (4/6)
Freelance UI Designer
Sketch showing an option for the "My Account" Detail screen. An effort to simplify presentation of information and work out the hierarchy. Due to the tight timeframe we went straight from sketch to visual design.

Mom.com app: (5/6)
Freelance UI Designer
A visual guide for dev of 'Droid app screens and specific behavior on each screen.

Mom.com app: (6/6)
Freelance UI Designer
A visual guide for dev of iOS app screens and specific behavior on each screen.

Mom.com: Checkout Optimization
Freelance UI Designer
For this project, I re-did the UI to address checkout abandonment based on user data primarily by refining the information hierarchy and flow.

Tiny Gallery Photo Sharing Site: (1/4)
Visual/UI Designer
This project was to design a desktop version of a photo sharing app prototype for a developer's pitch. A main UI requirement was that it be clear no registration was required.

Tiny Gallery Photo Sharing Site: (2/4)
Visual/UI Designer
This project was to design a desktop version of a photo sharing app prototype for a developer's pitch. This shows the default gallery option.

Tiny Gallery Photo Sharing Site: (3/4)
Visual/UI Designer
This project was to design a desktop version of a photo sharing app prototype for a developer's pitch. This shows an alternate gallery option that I proposed for a more personal collage feeling.

Tiny Gallery: (4/4)
Visual/UI Designer
This project was to design a desktop version of a photo sharing app prototype for a developer's pitch. This shows the individual photo view.

Scholastic.com: (1/4)
Freelance Designer
This is the revised main screen for Printables, a subscription product for teachers offered by Scholastic. The project goal was to reduce checkout abandonment. My role was to review and re-do the flow, UX, UI, content and visual design.

Scholastic.com: (2/4)
Freelance Designer
This is one of the original screens—the flow lacked user guide posts and the product options were confusing. In the revised version, purchase options and product differences are clear. Overall, the messaging was simplified and the number of steps to complete a transaction was reduced.

Scholastic.com: (3/4)
Freelance Designer
An initial sketch of registered vs.non-registered user flows and messaging for Printables, a subscription product for teachers offered by Scholastic.

Scholastic.com: (4/4)
Freelance Designer
An example of one of the latter wireframes for Printables, a subscription product for teachers offered by Scholastic. Payment information was re-organized to be clearer and there's a progress tracker cuing user as to where they are in the process and number of remaining steps before completion.

Dimensions & Co. Site: (1/4)
Freelance Designer
The goal of this project was to design an e-Commerce site for an existing brick and mortar store. Working directly with the client and developer my role included visual and UI design, icons, copy and image selection. The design uses a 16-col grid for more flexibility.

Dimensions & Co. Site: (2/4)
Freelance Designer
A category landing page designed with feature and sub-feature promotional spots.

Dimensions & Co. Site: (3/4)
Freelance Designer
A product landing page with basic e-commerce elements—sort, filter and short product descriptions. Unfortunately, features like "quick view" and "favorite" weren't in spec.

Dimensions & Co. Site: (4/4)
Freelance Designer
A product detail page with multiple product views and recommended products.

Jumblzar.com: (1/3)
Freelance Designer
The project was to design a social shopping site for moms. Working directly with the client and developer I was responsible for visual and UI design, flow, images, icons and logo.

Jumblzar.com: (2/3)
Freelance Designer
This is an individual mom's shop page. Each mom has an avatar that displays on their shop page, along with rating and abreviated profile information.

Jumblzar.com: (3/3)
Freelance Designer
This is a product detail page. User can add the item to their favorites and see the seller's profile information in addition to the product information.

TUCK.com: (1/4)
Freelance Designer
The project was to create a site for TUCK, an independent fashion label. The client had a set idea for the look and feel. My role was visual and UI design.

TUCK.com: (2/4)
Freelance Designer
This wireframe example shows suggestions that were made to enhance interactivity and better engage the user along with notes for the developer.

TUCK.com: (3/4)
Freelance Designer
This is a preliminary rough sketch done at the initial client meeting.

TUCK.com: (4/4)
Freelance Designer
Another sketch working out flow and content featured on each page.

Vineyardvines.com: (1/5)
This was a concept project requested by Vineyard Vines. This example is how it originally looked. My role was to present possible ways I'd make the site more interactive and improve the UI/UX.

Vineyardvines.com: (2/5)
This is one of several options that were presented. The navigation is clear and distinct from the search bar, cart and promotional message. Visually, the focus is on the main feature—the product. Footer links are cleaned up and organized.

Vineyardvines.com: (3/5)
This is another option that was presented. The main navigation is minimized and the focus is more on interacting with the product. Users can scroll horizontally to browse different looks. Short product details appear on hover and they can rate each look.

Vineyardvines.com: (4/5)
This example shows the "top-rated" panel expanded.

Vineyardvines.com: (5/5)
This is option was offered if only minimal changes were desired and is closest to the original site.