
Quarter is a planting pot designed by Ola Giertz for Swedish design brand Lappset. As its name suggests, the pot is made up of a one-quarter-form, allowing for playful combination of different shapes.

Quarter is inspired by the shape that results from removing the first piece of a pie. With this shape, Quarter can be placed in a corner, it can enfold the corner of a wall, or be placed against it. With four of them, you will have a completely round pot. You can also play with the colours and combine various flowers and colours in the different planting pots. The pot is made of moulded aluminium, and the different quarter-shapes can be attached to each other to form a larger pot. They are stackable, making them practical to transport. Quarter can be obtained in almost any colour, and this is a vital part of the flexibility that will make the pot fit in almost any environment.

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Ola Giertz
Furniture/product Designer Helsingborg, Sweden