The 2014 TMNT 'Raphael' Strawberry Crush Soda Can Design for Dr Pepper/Snapple Group and Paramount Pictures.
The 2014 TMNT 'Leonardo' Blue Raspberry Crush Soda Can Design for Dr Pepper/Snapple Group and Paramount Pictures. A limited edition blue color and flavor was exclusively produced for this promotion.
The 2014 TMNT 'Donatello' Grape Crush Soda Can Design for Dr Pepper/Snapple Group and Paramount Pictures.
The 2014 TMNT 'Michelangelo' Orange Crush Soda Can Design for Dr Pepper/Snapple Group and Paramount Pictures.
The extended family of Crush Soda products also gained a version of the TMNT Turtle design theme.
TMNT-Crush Soda Cooler Static Cling design reinforces the "Free Movie Ticket Offer" co-promotion.
TMNT-Crush 'Oozing Open Sewer Cover' Floor Decal and Shelf-Talker Designs.
Group 360 extended the TMNT design theme into a complete website takeover for, which served to promote the can designs & new flavors, hosted the official TMNT movie trailer, and leveraged social media support with the "Crushabunga" Instagram Photo Contest hosted through
The social media powerhouse, Instagram, would serve as the springboard for an cross-promotion contest aimed directly at die-hard TMNT fans. Group 360 held the "Crushabunga" Instagram Photo Contest, where fans posed as ninjas with their favorite Turtle can, for the chance to win a private screening of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie in their home town! (Sadly, I obviously couldn't participate... but the overwhelming enthusiasm and incredibly creative entries from fans was pretty spectacular!)
This is the original 2014 TMNT 'Michelangelo' Orange Crush Soda Can design concept - round 1. Note that aside from the slight color revisions and a redesign of the Turtle's 'eyes' [to emphasize their individual personalities], the final can design stayed true to the original creative vision.
TMNT Crush Soda "Turtle Van" 12-Pack Merchandiser Design Concept. [Hey, what kind of fanboy would I be if I didn't try to pitch the "Turtle Van" as an in-store display piece?] :)
Crush Soda TMNT 2014 Promotional Can Design - Dr Pepper/Snapple Group - Paramount Pictures

Dr Pepper Snapple Group partnered with Paramount Pictures to promote the franchise reboot of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with a special limited-edition can design for DPSG's Crush brand. I was hired by DPSG's Marketing Partner, Group360 Worldwide, to consult on this project and make use of my promotional design experience and illustration expertise. The fact that I was a life-long TMNT fanboy was a huge benefit in that I essentially came in on day 1 knowing what I wanted to design for these cans (see, Mom? Watching all those cartoons when I was a kid finally paid off!)
This franchise has a fan base 30-years strong, and indeed, if the movie needed to be done-right for them, these TMNT cans did also.
I expanded on the design theme and came up a treatment for the Can 12-Pack + bottled Crush products. The results were a hit with both Paramount and consumers, who instantly recognized the collectable appeal of the limited edition cans & which have become a highly sought after promotion.

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Freelance, Moonlighting
Omar Mejia
Creative Director | Multi-disciplined Designer + Illustrator New York, NY