Emme 360 - this is a miscelaneous of some of my proyects...that I`ve made in as prototypes r models
Phantom Digital Camera/GPS - this is a miscelaneous of some of my proyects...that I`ve made in as prototypes r models
Phantom Digital Camera/GPS - this is a miscelaneous of some of my proyects...that I`ve made in as prototypes r models
OSHingatu Sushi SEt for MExico - this is a miscelaneous of some of my proyects...that I`ve made in as prototypes r models
OSHingatu Sushi set - this is a miscelaneous of some of my proyects...that I`ve made in as prototypes r models
Oshar Desing - this is a miscelaneous of some of my proyects...that I`ve made in as prototypes r models
Emme ·360 rocking chair - this is a miscelaneous of some of my proyects...that I`ve made in as prototypes r models
Miscelaneous of PROYECts!
Oshar Vazquez