"Eastward" Fan Art

"Into the Spider-verse" Fan Art! I wanted to be as loose as possible and try some more texturing and filtering, so while a little messy, it really adds to the energy. Very fitting for such an energetic and amazing movie.

An illustration I did for the "Hyper Light Drifter" zine, that I was kindly invited for drawing one of the first few fan arts for the indie game. I wanted to try and capture a similar style to what I had before. You can see my original fan art in my first compilation of illustrations.

Another piece I did for a charity zine called "Rock Me Now"! Everyone was tasked with drawing a punk rocker character and doing something related to that. I wanted to go for a texture-heavy promo poster, trying to make it feel very DIY.

Promo for "Echo Lake", another work-in-progress project.

A stylized render of an Echo Lake character.

A fun stylized headshot of Ravee. While not her current design anymore, I still really like how the lighting and colors came out on this.

Inspired by Spider-verse, I wanted to do more crazy stylized work with my own characters. This one came out especially well.

A character design based on setting from the tabletop RPG, Blades in the Dark.

My most recent experiment with style, as I tried out what I call "superchunky" anime style, influenced by some art styles that you would see in old JPRGs like Grandia or games like Megaman Legends. It became quite popular on twitter and a style I may flesh out more in the future.

More practice with my superchunky style, using a couple of characters from a friend's setting.