Logo for ArtStudio 360 - This is the logo I designed for the art studio I belong to. Since the name references the 360°s of a circle and we work with color I decided to base the design on a color wheel. I painted the swatches using various techniques to add texture and finished the logo by adding the band with text using Photoshop.
Logo for Company's Global Sales Meeting - The sales meeting had a baseball theme so I created this logo which incorporates the pennant, baseball, and baseball diamond. I created it using Adobe Illustrator.
Retractable display for Office Furnishings Manufacturer - This display was designed to be used by the sales team. I used photos originally shot for brochures and manipulated on shot of monitors for the background.
Set of Labels for Spray Cleaner - I designed a system of labels used for concentrated cleaning products which were dispensed into spray bottles by the cleaning staff. They then labeled the bottles using these labels.
Other Designs

Other design pieces I've designed.