Crop Sharing- Successful Farming magazine

“In times like this, the crop-share lease is the most fair to all,” says Bruce Johnson, a University of Nebraska ag economist.”

This illustration was the centerpiece of a four page gatefold spread in Successful Farming magazine. The designer had left a hemispherical shape at the bottom and center of the spread. He felt a circular shape alluded to the concept of sharing. He also suggested that the fields be shaking hands.

Most times our work together is more of a team effort. I’ll read the article and then suggest solutions with my rough pencils. He often has ideas, but they aren’t always the final solution.

In that sense, it was more like Advertising work I do. There, the designer usually has proposed an idea to their client and just needs it fleshed out.

I enjoy the problem solving part of creating Editorial art as opposed to having the ideas given to me. Having said that, this was a satisfying project and we were both happy
with the results.

Paul Lange
Illustrator Orion, IL