Folgers Video, PowerPoint & Packaging

This Folgers' PowerPoint entitled, "Coffee: the World's Cup" begins with a jazzy video intro. That video is represented here with stills to show the basic flow which goes into a series of select slides featured in this set. There are 5 main parts of the presentation; intro, history (including how it is processed), value priced coffee, instant coffee, and Folgers Gourmet. Template slides were also supplied.
Sections begin by going to the "coffee cabinet" to focus on one of the products. The faux designed products & Folgers packaging set the look & feel of each of the sections.
This was a big project with over 150 slides and 2 videos. To make the deadline, I designed templates and examples for each of these sections and gave direction to other designers to make the magic. For the video, I developed a penciled storyboard, then a digital version made to size, assets were then created and finally off to a video compositor giving direction until complete.
Video to be forth coming...

Paul Cammilleri
PAULCAM Communication Design & Development Auburn, NY