Wall wrap for environmental brand installation at call centers. Responsible for design and art direction of photography.
Poster for call center facility. Responsible for design and art direction of photography.
Poster for call center facility. Responsible for design and art direction of photography.
Poster for call center facility. Responsible for design and art direction of photography.
Poster for call center facility. Responsible for design and art direction of photography.
Pin wheel mobiles for call center pods and work areas. Responsible for design and art direction of photography.
Post it notes for reminders in workspace.
Installation at call center
Be somebody's solution

This campaign was developed for the MetLife call centers to help give the customers they interact with on the phone a face. This is part of the enterprise customer centricity initiative.

I art directed and designed the whole campaign including the photoshoot.

Paul D'Lubac
Senior Art Director/Graphic Designer Hartford, CT