Businesses that are changing the country Exame Magazine, Cover Illustration, July edition 2017 ©
Businesses that are changing the country - Detail Exame Magazine, Cover Illustration, July edition 2017 ©
Businesses that are changing the country - Detail Exame Magazine, Cover Illustration, July edition 2017 ©
Businesses that are changing the country - Printed edition Exame Magazine, Cover Illustration, July edition 2017 ©
Tourism, our gold mine Exame Magazine, Double page Illustration, July edition 2017 ©
Six positive signs for tourism ... ... Six challenges for the future Exame Magazine, 12 icons, July edition 2017 ©
Businesses that are changing the country

Businesses that are changing the country, Cover Illustration,
Double page illustration and 12 Icons
Exame Magazine,
July edition 2017 ©

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Paulo Buchinho
Illustrator Lisboa, Portugal