Main Street Partners, LLC, Architecture and Preservation Planning Consultants
Maple Cottage, New Haven, CT - Supervised the documentation of "Maple Cottage," an 1836 historic structure designed by A.J. Davis, in compliance with Sedtion 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, provided evidence of the building's significance and completed an economic analysis of the building's adaptive reuse as commercial office space.
Planning and Design Guidelines for City Center Historic District, Lancaster, PA
Planning and Design Guidelines for City Center Historic District, Lancaster, PA
Historic Structures Report: Pierre VanCortlandt Estate, Cortlandt, NY - Completed Historic Structures Report and economic analysis for the adaptive reuse of the 1773 estate of Pierre VanCortlandt in New York's Hudson River Valley. Succeeded in listing the residence on state and national registers and achieved approval for conversion of the main building to municipal offices in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Secretary of the Interior's Standards.
Historic Structures Report: Pierre VanCortlandt Estate, Cortlandt, NY
Town Center and South Brooksvale Historic Districts, Cheshire, CT - Participating as a member of the Cheshire Historic District Study Committee, promoted support for the creation of two historic districts and, after more than 20 years of local resistance, established the Town Center and the South Brooksvale Historic Districts.
Town Center and South Brooksvale Historic Districts, Cheshire, CT
Town Center and South Brooksvale Historic Districts, Cheshire, CT
Town Center and South Brooksvale Historic Districts, Cheshire, CT
Preservation Plan and Interpretative Program for Louis Kahn's Community Center, Ewing, NJ
Preservation Plan and Interpretative Program for Louis Kahn's Community Center, Ewing, NJ
Featured Article Remodeling Magazine 2000: Renovation of Henry Austin Townhouse 1852, New Haven, CT
Renovation of Henry Austin Townhouse, 604 Chapel Street, New Haven, CT
Transportation Impact Study, National Scenic Byway I79, Sedona, AZ
Central Business District Development Planning, Sedona, AZ
Preservation Reports and Projects
Peter Anderson
Main Street Partners, LLC, Architecture and Preservation Planning Consultants: Peter... Miami, FL