Jordan Jumpman Sheath concept

This personal project is a spin off of a different Kobe Bryant work.
The original sketch was created while evaluating the possible style of a new concept shoe with particular design and construction.
At first sight, the lines looked like they could have been a Jordan shoe, so the sketch was put aside, to be eventually re-evaluated in the future.
A few months later the sketch re-emerged, with its unique Jordan-Kobe features and sleek lines, so, just for fun, I've decided to render and refine it properly.
The reasons for a Jordan-Kobe shoe are well justified by the relationship between the two that quickly evolved from hard competition to mentorship (and friendship), after MJ's retirement.
Another less known link among the two, especially in terms of shoes, could be designer Eric Avar, who, being a long time Tinker Hatfield partner at Nike Innovation Kitchen, created some of Jumpman line models and later became Kobe line main designer.
#FootwearDesign #ProductDesign

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Pietro Pellicelli