Social media campaigns (2)

This is the Social media campaigns "Unsung Hero - TVC Thai Life Insurance 2014." It is the most emotional social media campaign for me so far. It became popular with social media on YouTube with 3 millions viewers within the first week and 27 millions views currently. It was produced for Thai insurance company. The main idea is" goodness and virtue can inspire happiness in your life and receives what money can not buy." This story is based on true story. Nowadays we are in a society where people live in their own little world and are self centred. This campaign want everyone to pay greater interest in the people around you. Doing good for society unconditionally and not expect anything in return. In my opinion, the advertising is fantastic. I love their idea about life that present business's aim. They are a life Insurance company so their image are very important and this campaign create very good image for them. Brilliant.

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Prinny Pinklai
Marketing student Perth, Australia