Fearful midnight
Mandala - This is my explanation of the universe.
Looking - I used the exact tone and shade from the black & white image to convert it into a color image.
Gloomy winter
The tallest blades of grass - It was at a farm where I became fascinated with the bamboo shoots and used lead stick for sketching.
Jumble - I used multi-colored crayons to scribble while listening to music and then used charcoal on it to create this texture
Design synectics - I had to metamorphose a pencil and tarantula to create a new product - here the tarantula acts as a pencil holder and a sharpener.
Xanadu - I used water colors and colored pencils to paint the picture of a dream place where I would love to be forever.
Excitement - I used various shades and tints of colors to express the feeling of excitement.
Calm - I used various shades and tints of colors to express the feeling of calmness.
Adventurous night
Idle summer
Enlightened twilight
Addictive afternoon
Sleepy morning
Mournful Autumn
Joyful spring
Crying monsoon
Sketches and illustrations