Concept design sketch for "Archi-Stitch-ture" theme
Preparing the boning for the skirt - inspiration was the Guggenheim
Using old drawings to make a template for the mesh skirt.
Cutting zillions of petals for the mini under-skirt
Pinning the petals prior to painting them yellow. Skirt and petals made of seating mesh by Stylex.
Almost done!
Bodice made up of recycled scrap leather bracelets by Spinneybeck
Hair and makeup
Peri working our dress on the runway which took home the Stiletto Award - Best Use of Materials!
Headpiece made of painted seating mesh by Stylex
IIDA Stitch - 2011

IIDA Stitch Stiletto Award Winner - Best Use of Materials;
Designed and made by Christina Brown & Peri Peng of Eastlake Studio;
Sponsored by Desks Inc, Spinneybeck, Stylex & DIRTT

Christina Brown
space shaper Chicago, IL