3D printing has become an incredibly powerful tool to customize one-off products for differing applications. This project was based on using this technology to design a customized prosthetic leg for a specific user- a young, urban, male athlete. Nike was chosen as an appropriate brand to bring form to the leg. It also required familliarizing oneself with the emotional, medical, lifestyle, and physical changes the user would encounter.
3D printing has become an incredibly powerful tool to customize one-off products for differing applications. This project was uses this technology to design a customized prosthetic leg for a specific user- a young, urban, male athlete. Nike was chosen as an appropriate brand to bring form to the leg. It also required familliarizing oneself with the emotional, medical, lifestyle, and physical changes the user would encounter.
Form studies were done to determine what amount of mass would allow the "new" leg to complement the other. A careful balance was kept to avoid "too humanlike" (ugly silicon), or too abstract and robotlike.
Two users were 3D scanned to allow sculpting in Solidworks. Illustrations were done to show the mood, feel, and real world context of the prosthetic.
The final design used a slipper shaped foot to allow the user to use a shoe. Air bladders would be added later to the 3d printed frame to give a soft touch and allow for a changing adolescent body. The stub area has vents to allow air circulation.
Nike Prosthetic

Nike Prosthetic Leg

Colin Matsco
Industrial Designer Los Angeles, CA