This is the initial Welcome page applicants experience. It reiterates the product they've selected and information they'll need to complete the application.
This screen displays to the user the personal information they've entered thus far, asking the user to review and confirm, or edit data.
The final screen thanks the customer for choosing HNB and confirms product(s). It lets the customer know what steps are next, including ways to fund the account, and signup for online banking.
Responsive Redesign of Online Account Opening

I was involved in the redesign project for HNB's online application from the start. We did competitive research, low-fidelity wireframes and workflows. We tested the design work with target users and incorporated feedback. We put together a high-fidelity prototype using the interface design seen here. Iterative testing and design was conducted until results satisfied customer expectations and business requirements.

Rachel Laskowski
User Experience (UX) Designer and Researcher Columbus, OH