Hope Table - The hope table is not only about hope, it is about beauty and visual poetry. It is about telling other young designers like me to never give up creating original designs.
There are great ideas everywhere, you just have to look into the right way. Maybe ideas are just like a message in a bottle, floating in the deep ocean, just waiting for the right people to find it.
All rights reserved. Patent Pending.

Hope Table - The hope table is not only about hope, it is about beauty and visual poetry. It is about telling other young designers like me to never give up creating original designs.
There are great ideas everywhere, you just have to look into the right way. Maybe ideas are just like a message in a bottle, floating in the deep ocean, just waiting for the right people to find it.
All rights reserved. Patent Pending.

Hope Table

Hope Table

The Light Drop - The Light Drop is supposed to make people think about how we are
dealing with our natural resources , in this particular case, the water,
which is the main source of energy for every living organism in this
fantastic world. Water is energy indeed.
I really hope that people really get my message....
Will be produced by www.dark.be , 2008.
All rights reserved. Patent Pending

The Light Drop - The Light Drop is supposed to make people think about how we are
dealing with our natural resources , in this particular case, the water,
which is the main source of energy for every living organism in this
fantastic world. Water is energy indeed.
I really hope that people really get my message....
Will be produced by www.dark.be , 2008.
All rights reserved. Patent Pending

The Light Drop - The Light Drop is supposed to make people think about how we are
dealing with our natural resources , in this particular case, the water,
which is the main source of energy for every living organism in this
fantastic world. Water is energy indeed.
I really hope that people really get my message....
Will be produced by www.dark.be , 2008.
All rights reserved. Patent Pending

The Light Drop

Pick-Ur-Pine toothpick holder

Pick-Ur-Pine toothpick holder

Don´t Panic Condom Dispenser

Don´t Panic Condom Dispenser

Once Was comb - We are so used to some everyday objects that sometimes we don´t realize what´s behind them, where do they came from.This comb reminds us of what it once was in the past.
It once was a tree, it once was alive.
The emptiness of its negative form remind us of its original silhouette, which no longer exists.
The next time you see a jacket, a shoe, a piece of meat or a car, try to reflect about what it once was in the past and the consequences of consuming it.
Everything has a story....

Indigestive plate - The inside of the plate is printed with undeniable, provocative, bitter and indigestible sentences about hunger statistics in the world.
The sentences are printed using heat sensitive ink, so they will only be revealed when someone put some hot or warm food in it.
Hopefully this plate will cause an indigestion, or at least make people think twice before asking for the dessert.

Indigestive plate - The inside of the plate is printed with undeniable, provocative, bitter and indigestible sentences about hunger statistics in the world.
The sentences are printed using heat sensitive ink, so they will only be revealed when someone put some hot or warm food in it.
Hopefully this plate will cause an indigestion, or at least make people think twice before asking for the dessert.
This project was designed in collaboration with Ben Collette

Puzzle Revisited Chair - A remake of a chair I designed in the first year of ID school.
Simple, beautiful, light, economic, no screws or nails needed.

Puzzle Revisited Chair - A remake of a chair I designed in the first year of ID school.
Simple, beautiful, light, economic, no screws or nails needed.

Fishcage - Everyday we live the illusion of freedom and in fact, we are just like fishes in a bowl, trapped by invisible borders like ignorance, lies, rules, hypocrisies and old paradigms and concepts.
The fish in the bowl thinks he is free, because he has passed all his life in that condition...So do we.
The fishcage comes to remember us that the first step to be free is finding the real obstacles that keep us away from the real freedom.

Change Vase - This four-sided vase is perfect for those who get bored easy with their home decoration.
Each side of the Change vase represents a different vase style, to make sure it fits in different ambient styles.
The Change vase encourages people to try seeing ordinary things by different angles. It evokes the possibility of constant change.
Maybe it is time to change your mind, change the way you live, change the way you see ordinary things.
It is time to change. Get on it.

Saci chair - This chair is a tribute to one of the most popular folk character in Brazil.
Saci is a one-legged elf with holes in the palms of his hands.An incorrigible prankster.
Thanks to a custom molded 6mm acrylic sheet, the Saci chair really is a "sittable" chair.

Saci chair - This chair is a tribute to one of the most popular folk character in Brazil.
Saci is a one-legged elf with holes in the palms of his hands.An incorrigible prankster.
Thanks to a custom molded 6mm acrylic sheet, the Saci chair really is a "sittable" chair.

Fletcha side table - I don´t know why home furniture is designed be used always in the same position, you know, life changes all the time, the world is changing, our furniture should change too!
We have learned to live with ups and downs but most of the time we have no control over the direction of our life.
That´s why the Fletcha side table is cool and funny! It allows you to point it up or down and you can use it in three different positions, so you will never get used to it.

Fletcha side table

PLAYMobile Chair

PLAYMobile Chair - Turn it upside down and you will see...The Playmobil king!

Lulu floor lamp - This floor lamp design is inspired by the devil´s (Lulu) trident.
I have designed this lamp specially for George W. Bush´s office.
It´s supposed to be available also in pure red and black.

Lulu floor lamp - This floor lamp design is inspired by the devil´s (Lulu) trident.
I have designed this lamp specially for George W. Bush´s office.
It´s supposed to be available also in pure red and black.



Alfred, The Hit Cock. - Here is another design inspired by Alfred Hitchcock!
I don´t actually know why Mr.Hitchcock inspires me that much, but I couldn´t resist making a bit of word puzzling with his name this time.
This poor rooster´s task is to keep your doors from slamming and he will accomplish this hard mission even if it costs his own life!
It´s supposed to come with a customization kit, so you can sew up some bandages or stitches to heal your friend and make this task easier for him.

Pyscho Plunger - Collective Memories in ID n°1. - I´m trying to aggregate behaviorist properties of famous objects, cognitive motions and collective memories to everyday, ordinary products. This is the first of a series of concepts called Collective Memories in ID.
This plunger is obviously inspired by Alfred Hitchcock, Psycho, from 1960.

Message Package - Collective Memories in ID n°2 - This is my attempt to create a concept that merges a really natural behavior with a really common product, to bring more fun to our lives.
People just can´t resist reading labels and leaflets while using the toilet or taking a shower.This makes them a really good and funny medium for a notepad, right? It looks like a design opportunity to me!

Message Package - Collective Memories in ID n°2 - This is my attempt to create a concept that merges a really natural behavior with a really common product, to bring more fun to our lives.
People just can´t resist reading labels and leaflets while using the toilet or taking a shower.This makes them a really good and funny medium for a notepad, right? It looks like a design opportunity to me!

Deadly, Multipurpose closet. - This one is inspired by that old-school magician sword trick, in which the magician enters inside a deadly box and asks his assistant to stick some swords trough his agonizing body. Hehe.
You can use this closet to store whatever you want, books, cds, folded clothes, shoes, etc... You can even take off some swords and use it as a wardrobe, to hang some dresses or shirts.

Deadly, Multipurpose closet. - This one is inspired by that old-school magician sword trick, in which the magician enters inside a deadly box and asks his assistant to stick some swords trough his agonizing body. Hehe.
You can use this closet to store whatever you want, books, cds, folded clothes, shoes, etc... You can even take off some swords and use it as a wardrobe, to hang some dresses or shirts.

Deadly, Multipurpose closet. - This one is inspired by that old-school magician sword trick, in which the magician enters inside a deadly box and asks his assistant to stick some swords trough his agonizing body. Hehe.
You can use this closet to store whatever you want, books, cds, folded clothes, shoes, etc... You can even take off some swords and use it as a wardrobe, to hang some dresses or shirts.

Top Secret, furniture collection. - The top drawer of the furniture is equipped with a numeric locking system, just like a regular safe, so you can keep your most secret and precious belongings like books, documents, rare bootlegs cds, stamps collection or whatever the heck you want , there, safe from curious hands!

Burn in Hell! - Pepper spray - You´re going back home at night and, suddenly, you realize that someone is following you! Is him a vampire, an ordinary bum or a serial killer? No worries, with this cross shaped pepper spray, you´ll make them all burn in hell!
I´m damn sure that you will really scare most kind of bad guys, when they see you pointing a golden crucifix at them, mostly because they will think you´re completely crazy!
Anyway, it wont be the first time someone gets burned because of a crucifix, right?

Burn in Hell! - Pepper spray - You´re going back home at night and, suddenly, you realize that someone is following you! Is him a vampire, an ordinary bum or a serial killer? No worries, with this cross shaped pepper spray, you´ll make them all burn in hell!
I´m damn sure that you will really scare most kind of bad guys, when they see you pointing a golden crucifix at them, mostly because they will think you´re completely crazy!
Anyway, it wont be the first time someone gets burned because of a crucifix, right?

Lousy Luxury - Champagne Glass - How about if someone fills some very expensive Champagne bottles with ordinary Champagne? I bet that most part of the people wont even notice the difference!
What about if we do the opposite? Would someone really enjoy an expensive Champagne, drinking it from a glass shaped as an used condom, which is for most part of the people, a really repulsive object?
Anyway, It might not be a problem. Some people do pretty lousy stuff for money, fame and luxury.

Time Flies - This wall clock is called Time Flies, and I guess there´s no need to write about it´s concept, because it pretty much speaks for itself, right?
Copyright © Rafael Morgan. All rights reserved.

Little Time - Well, I was listening to a Keane´s song called "Everybody´s changing" on the radio, and I had this idea. For those who don´t know this song, the chorus says something like "So little time,
Try to understand that I'm...". It´s a cool song! Well, so I came up with the Little Time clock.
Copyright © Rafael Morgan. All rights reserved.

Cutlery Toolkit - I always loved the way tools are displayed in old garages and hardware shops, you know, it´s so graphical!
Those silhouettes have always fascinated me!
I´m just trying to bring more fun and surprise to the kitchen, which is already a great place to have a good time with friends and family.
Copyright © Rafael Morgan. All rights reserved.

Cutlery Toolkit - I always loved the way tools are displayed in old garages and hardware shops, you know, it´s so graphical!
Those silhouettes have always fascinated me!
I´m just trying to bring more fun and surprise to the kitchen, which is already a great place to have a good time with friends and family.
Copyright © Rafael Morgan. All rights reserved.

FASTFOOD - fruit bowl - I guess the name "fast food" is a little misused nowadays, you know, fruits are the fastest kind of food I´ve ever seen!
However, I don´t really know why, but I think conventional fast food packages are kind of cool (maybe because they´ve been brainwashing us since we were kids?).
So I thought: fruits+fast food packaging = cool fruit bowl
I think we should change our concepts, so why don´t you go buy yourself some apples or bananas instead of getting yourself a hamburger?

Peppy, penny bank. - With Peppy, you will increase your muscles, and your bank account!
This is the only dumbbell in the world that will help you to save money, and, in fact, will pay itself in the end. And it´s the only penny bank in the world that will make you healthier and wealthier!
This silicone coated penny bank is supposed to come in five vivid colors, each one representing a different poundage, and of course, it will also be available in classic white.
Copyright © Rafael Morgan. All rights reserved.

Peppy, penny bank. - With Peppy, you will increase your muscles, and your bank account!
This is the only dumbbell in the world that will help you to save money, and, in fact, will pay itself in the end. And it´s the only penny bank in the world that will make you healthier and wealthier!
This silicone coated penny bank is supposed to come in five vivid colors, each one representing a different poundage, and of course, it will also be available in classic white.
Copyright © Rafael Morgan. All rights reserved.

Food Fighters - Ladies and gentleman, please, welcome, The Food Fighters!
Copyright © Rafael Morgan. All rights reserved.

Cool green light switches - Well, in this study, I was trying to create rotative light switch designs that could graphically represent energy waste using common positive/negative symbols.
These symbols, besides being cool, can give us a quite good visual feedback and psychologically reinforce our notions of energy saving.
Copyright © Rafael Morgan. All rights reserved.

Cool green light switches - Well, in this study, I was trying to create rotative light switch designs that could graphically represent energy waste using common positive/negative symbols.
These symbols, besides being cool, can give us a quite good visual feedback and psychologically reinforce our notions of energy saving.
Copyright © Rafael Morgan. All rights reserved.

Cool green light switches - Well, in this study, I was trying to create rotative light switch designs that could graphically represent energy waste using common positive/negative symbols.
These symbols, besides being cool, can give us a quite good visual feedback and psychologically reinforce our notions of energy saving.
Copyright © Rafael Morgan. All rights reserved.

Cool green light switches - Well, in this study, I was trying to create rotative light switch designs that could graphically represent energy waste using common positive/negative symbols.
These symbols, besides being cool, can give us a quite good visual feedback and psychologically reinforce our notions of energy saving.
Copyright © Rafael Morgan. All rights reserved.

CHAIRity - The idea behind this object, besides playing with words, is to stimulate people to donate some money to charity. Sometimes I think people are too avid about making money, but too lazy when it comes to help others, so, with this chair, they won´t even need stand up to do their good deed of the day.

CHAIRity - The idea behind this object, besides playing with words, is to stimulate people to donate some money to charity. Sometimes I think people are too avid about making money, but too lazy when it comes to help others, so, with this chair, they won´t even need stand up to do their good deed of the day.

Guru, energy stabilizer - I wanted to create a surge suppressor that would look cool over someone´s office table, that people wouldn´t want to hide.
1- In what place a power cable would feel at home?
2- How about energy? Is there something in nature that naturally balance and stabilize energy?
Suddenly, everything started to make sense!
So, who is better to balance and stabilize energy, and protect us from any energetic disturbances than your own personal energy Guru?
Copyright © Rafael Morgan. All rights reserved.

Guru, energy stabilizer - I wanted to create a surge suppressor that would look cool over someone´s office table, that people wouldn´t want to hide.
1- In what place a power cable would feel at home?
2- How about energy? Is there something in nature that naturally balance and stabilize energy?
Suddenly, everything started to make sense!
So, who is better to balance and stabilize energy, and protect us from any energetic disturbances than your own personal energy Guru?
Copyright © Rafael Morgan. All rights reserved.

Cake Lamp - This is the Cake lamp! It´s inspired by a telescope (but ended up looking like a cake) and it uses its retractile function to control the amount ambient luminosity.
Each layer is supposed to be available in several different colors, so each lamp shade could have a complete customizable look and color palette.
I´m also working on a table and floor version, which are coming up really cool.
Copyright © Rafael Morgan. All rights reserved.

Cake Lamp - This is the Cake lamp! It´s inspired by a telescope (but ended up looking like a cake) and it uses its retractile function to control the amount ambient luminosity.
Each layer is supposed to be available in several different colors, so each lamp shade could have a complete customizable look and color palette.
I´m also working on a table and floor version, which are coming up really cool.
Copyright © Rafael Morgan. All rights reserved.

Cake Lamp - This is the Cake lamp! It´s inspired by a telescope (but ended up looking like a cake) and it uses its retractile function to control the amount ambient luminosity.
Each layer is supposed to be available in several different colors, so each lamp shade could have a complete customizable look and color palette.
I´m also working on a table and floor version, which are coming up really cool.
Copyright © Rafael Morgan. All rights reserved.

Cake Lamp - This is the Cake lamp! It´s inspired by a telescope (but ended up looking like a cake) and it uses its retractile function to control the amount ambient luminosity.
Each layer is supposed to be available in several different colors, so each lamp shade could have a complete customizable look and color palette.
I´m also working on a table and floor version, which are coming up really cool.
Copyright © Rafael Morgan. All rights reserved.

Cake Lamp - This is the Cake lamp! It´s inspired by a telescope (but ended up looking like a cake) and it uses its retractile function to control the amount ambient luminosity.
Each layer is supposed to be available in several different colors, so each lamp shade could have a complete customizable look and color palette.
I´m also working on a table and floor version, which are coming up really cool.
Copyright © Rafael Morgan. All rights reserved.

Cake Lamp - This is the Cake lamp! It´s inspired by a telescope (but ended up looking like a cake) and it uses its retractile function to control the amount ambient luminosity.
Each layer is supposed to be available in several different colors, so each lamp shade could have a complete customizable look and color palette.
I´m also working on a table and floor version, which are coming up really cool.
Copyright © Rafael Morgan. All rights reserved.

Cake Lamp - This is the Cake lamp! It´s inspired by a telescope (but ended up looking like a cake) and it uses its retractile function to control the amount ambient luminosity.
Each layer is supposed to be available in several different colors, so each lamp shade could have a complete customizable look and color palette.
I´m also working on a table and floor version, which are coming up really cool.
Copyright © Rafael Morgan. All rights reserved.

Mirror, mirror... - There would be no wars without our consent. There would be no inequality without our consent.
Vanity, greed and all other selfish feelings are the real weapons of mass destruction. However, solidarity, altruism, generosity and hope are also weapons that can be used for good.
We are all weapons. You just have to decide which kind you are.
© Copyright Rafael Morgan. All rights reserved.

Frame - U.D.O collection - U.D.O (Unidentified Design Object) is a collection of designs with flexible function, that do not fit a specific label.
The Frame can be a coat hanger, a bookshelf, a wardrobe or you can just throw things on it. It´s basic function depends on how you weave the rope.
If you´re like me, and like to throw your clothes anywhere but the closet, this might be the ultimate solution to get rid of those piles of clothes covering your bedroom´s chairs.
Copyright © Rafael Morgan. All rights reserved.

HEX - U.D.O collection - The HEX is another project for the U.D.O Collection (Unidentified Design Object). It works as a cloth hanger, a coat rack, a book shelf or whatever you want.
Its modular design allows you to use one or many of them and it´s supposed to be produced in several cool gradient colors.
HEX is another great object for you to throw things on and it´s inspired by a cool plastic darts game that I used to love when I was a kid.
Copyright © Rafael Morgan. All rights reserved.

HEX - U.D.O collection - The HEX is another project for the U.D.O Collection (Unidentified Design Object). It works as a cloth hanger, a coat rack, a book shelf or whatever you want.
Its modular design allows you to use one or many of them and it´s supposed to be produced in several cool gradient colors.
HEX is another great object for you to throw things on and it´s inspired by a cool plastic darts game that I used to love when I was a kid.
Copyright © Rafael Morgan. All rights reserved.

Symbiosis Lamp - symbiosis:
1. Biology A close, prolonged association between two or more different organisms of different species that benefit each member.
2. A relationship of mutual benefit or dependence.
Two objects working as one. One cannot exist without the other. A design relationship with endless possibilities.
Copyright © Rafael Morgan. All rights reserved.

Symbiosis Lamp - symbiosis:
1. Biology A close, prolonged association between two or more different organisms of different species that benefit each member.
2. A relationship of mutual benefit or dependence.
Two objects working as one. One cannot exist without the other. A design relationship with endless possibilities.
Copyright © Rafael Morgan. All rights reserved.

ZEN armchair - The Zen armchair is inspired by the synthesized silhouette of a meditating monk, reducing the lines which defines his shape to the very minimum, while still preserving the formal characteristics that resemble the beautiful contour of a person in a meditation stance.
Just like the monk, who patiently cultivates a light mind and a strong spiritual foundation, this armchair has a very light powder coated aluminum seat, supported and structured by a very strong steel foundation.

ZEN armchair - The Zen armchair is inspired by the synthesized silhouette of a meditating monk, reducing the lines which defines his shape to the very minimum, while still preserving the formal characteristics that resemble the beautiful contour of a person in a meditation stance.
Just like the monk, who patiently cultivates a light mind and a strong spiritual foundation, this armchair has a very light powder coated aluminum seat, supported and structured by a very strong steel foundation.

ZEN armchair - The Zen armchair is inspired by the synthesized silhouette of a meditating monk, reducing the lines which defines his shape to the very minimum, while still preserving the formal characteristics that resemble the beautiful contour of a person in a meditation stance.
Just like the monk, who patiently cultivates a light mind and a strong spiritual foundation, this armchair has a very light powder coated aluminum seat, supported and structured by a very strong steel foundation.

ZEN armchair - The Zen armchair is inspired by the synthesized silhouette of a meditating monk, reducing the lines which defines his shape to the very minimum, while still preserving the formal characteristics that resemble the beautiful contour of a person in a meditation stance.
Just like the monk, who patiently cultivates a light mind and a strong spiritual foundation, this armchair has a very light powder coated aluminum seat, supported and structured by a very strong steel foundation.

Mr. Lamp - The Mr.Lamp floor lamp doubles its functions by also working as a very cool, and full of character, coat rack.
It will look different everyday, which makes it a true reflection of its owner´s lifestyle.
To sum up, it´s a lamp that really looks like you!
This is a brand new project and we´re currently looking for a cool and reliable company to produce it.
©Copyright Rafael Morgan 2012. All rights reserved.

Mr. Lamp - The Mr.Lamp floor lamp doubles its functions by also working as a very cool, and full of character, coat rack.
It will look different everyday, which makes it a true reflection of its owner´s lifestyle.
To sum up, it´s a lamp that really looks like you!
This is a brand new project and we´re currently looking for a cool and reliable company to produce it.
©Copyright Rafael Morgan 2012. All rights reserved.

Mr. Lamp - The Mr.Lamp floor lamp doubles its functions by also working as a very cool, and full of character, coat rack.
It will look different everyday, which makes it a true reflection of its owner´s lifestyle.
To sum up, it´s a lamp that really looks like you!
This is a brand new project and we´re currently looking for a cool and reliable company to produce it.
©Copyright Rafael Morgan 2012. All rights reserved.

The Wily lamp is a revamped version of the classic table lamp.
At first, it looks quite like a regular table lamp, but its smart hidden articulated body allows it to surprisingly double its function as a very cool and effective desk or reading lamp.
Like our other new projects, this one is still looking for a very cool and bold company to produce it. Contact us if you´re interested in bringing this very nice little lamp to reality.
© Copyright Rafael Morgan 2012. All rights reserved.

The Wily lamp is a revamped version of the classic table lamp.
At first, it looks quite like a regular table lamp, but its smart hidden articulated body allows it to surprisingly double its function as a very cool and effective desk or reading lamp.
Like our other new projects, this one is still looking for a very cool and bold company to produce it. Contact us if you´re interested in bringing this very nice little lamp to reality.
© Copyright Rafael Morgan 2012. All rights reserved.

The Wily lamp is a revamped version of the classic table lamp.
At first, it looks quite like a regular table lamp, but its smart hidden articulated body allows it to surprisingly double its function as a very cool and effective desk or reading lamp.
Like our other new projects, this one is still looking for a very cool and bold company to produce it. Contact us if you´re interested in bringing this very nice little lamp to reality.
© Copyright Rafael Morgan 2012. All rights reserved.

The Wily lamp is a revamped version of the classic table lamp.
At first, it looks quite like a regular table lamp, but its smart hidden articulated body allows it to surprisingly double its function as a very cool and effective desk or reading lamp.
Like our other new projects, this one is still looking for a very cool and bold company to produce it. Contact us if you´re interested in bringing this very nice little lamp to reality.
© Copyright Rafael Morgan 2012. All rights reserved.

This cup is an object of protest, designed to make a stand against the continuation of Belo Monte dam construction. It clearly illustrates what will happen to the forest if we don´t stop Belo Monte now.
If continued, the Belo Monte dam will submerge 516Km² of precious and pristine Brazilian amazonian rainforest, ruining the local ecological balance and displacing thousands of people who live around the Xingu river region, including native indigenous tribes which have the constitutional right to live there.
© Copyright Rafael Morgan 2012. All rights reserved.