Infrared remote control for flexInt - flexInt is a system devised to give multimedia software designers ability to interface the softwear to real world devices beyond keyboard, mouse or touch screen. This is first level extension to the wired flexInt system where the system could be operated using this remote control also
Interface for a music synthesizer - A wearable design for a music synthesizer with ergonimics based on the hand movement
Confectionary packaging - Packing for ceonfectionaries using a fruit as a metaphor. Here the fruit chosen was a pomegranate
Digital Pulse-Oximeter - Pulse-Oximeter measures the oxygen concentration in the blood and the pulse rate of the patient. Seen here is one of the conceptual models with both numeric and LCD displays
Mechanical Logic Gates - These mimic the their electronic counterpart. Here its designed as a "lego"style toy. The principle can be used where a purely mechanical device is the best option
Remote control for Touch Reality interface mechanism - The Touch Reality interace mechanism allows a multiedia designer to interface software applications with real life objects.
Falcon-Gm - Digital Pulse Oximeter - Pulse-Oximeter measures the oxygen concentration in the blood and the pulse of the patient non-invasively.
Raj Gopal Menon
Design Architect at DURON ENERGY PRIVATE LIMITED Bangalore, India