Mixed use public space. Musical elements, such as pianos, were placed in various parts of the site to conform to the creative culture of the area. The acoustics of the structure would send live candid music throughout different locations of the site.
Semi Public Courtyard showing various levels of visual access.
Semi public courtyard.
A view from a residential unit to a catwalk connecting into a courtyard.
This visual comparison of distinct bazaar environments around the world.
Blocked-in master plan.
The 6 acre site of residential, mixed use, commercial and public space.
The different areas within the site are color coded with plant material to help site users orient themselves within the 6 acre space. The open market bazaar space would contain all of the colors used in the rest of the site to visually address the mixed-used space as a hub for various people and activities.
Hand drawn perspective of the area surrounding the bazaar space.
Section cut of the structure depicts the different levels for parking, public, semi public and private use.
Private residential community courtyards were proposed instead of having outdoor space per housing unit to maximize square footage and to create a sense of locality among the residents.
The bazaar space underneath a colorfully lit canopy showing the cohabitation of business and users.
Barnsdall Park

During my senior year interdisciplinary studio, group findings indicated our site study of an urbanized street market can and does contain its own specialized economy, consumers and landscape. Within the 6 acre master planning process, mixed-use residential units, public space and commercial/retail entities came together in a bazaar-like environment within its context of Downtown Los Angeles. MFO Park in Zurich, Germany was a large influence on how the open infrastructure and landscape could act as one entity.

Ramil Mucho
Architectural and Landscape Architectural Designer San Diego, CA