A turf lawn was converted into a California native arroyo that collected runoff from the library roof by percolating down a series of unique gutters to add interest to the nearby seating areas. The stormwater would be remediated into the designed bioswale during wet seasons. During dry seasons, the bioswale would provide a more unique aesthetic compared to the preexisting turf slope.
A section cut of the bioswale showing the grade change from the seating area to the pedestrian walkway below.
Section cuts of how the slope will conform to the bioswale.
EPA Rainworks Challenge

The EPA Rainworks Challenge required groups to produce a sustainable model that captured stormwater runoff from permeable surfaces. This campus library proved to be a node for students which indicated that its impact on infrastructure played a vital factor for the rest of campus life.

Ramil Mucho
Architectural and Landscape Architectural Designer San Diego, CA