Table cuatro is a result of exploration of innovation at low cost and sustainable design. Mesa cuatro is based in four joints, free of any toxic or non-natural assembly. This table seeks out the design with natural materials, free of glue, paint, screws, etc. This table meant to be 100% natural so its material can be recycled at any moment.
Based on four lever-assemblies, it can be assemble and disassemble without any technical problem. It can be easily pack and transport in a thin package lowering cost of distribution and transportation.
Table cuatro is a result of exploration of innovation at low cost and sustainable design. Mesa cuatro is based in four joints, free of any toxic or non-natural assembly. This table seeks out the design with natural materials, free of glue, paint, screws, etc. This table meant to be 100% natural so its material can be recycled at any moment.
Based on four lever-assemblies, it can be assemble and disassemble without any technical problem. It can be easily pack and transport in a thin package lowering cost of distribution and transportation.
Table cuatro is a result of exploration of innovation at low cost and sustainable design. Mesa cuatro is based in four joints, free of any toxic or non-natural assembly. This table seeks out the design with natural materials, free of glue, paint, screws, etc. This table meant to be 100% natural so its material can be recycled at any moment.
Based on four lever-assemblies, it can be assemble and disassemble without any technical problem. It can be easily pack and transport in a thin package lowering cost of distribution and transportation.
Table cuatro is a result of exploration of innovation at low cost and sustainable design. Mesa cuatro is based in four joints, free of any toxic or non-natural assembly. This table seeks out the design with natural materials, free of glue, paint, screws, etc. This table meant to be 100% natural so its material can be recycled at any moment.
Table Cuatro

Table Cuatro

Raúl Chávez Estrada
Designer Guadalajara, Mexico