Suíte Modelagem, texturização, iluminação e render. Programas: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop. Suite Modeling, texturing, lighting and rendering. Programs: 3dsmax + Vray render, photoshop. @MHBStudios
Cobertura Modelagem, texturização, iluminação e render. Programas: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop. Penthouse Modeling, texturing, lighting and rendering. Programs: 3dsmax + Vray render, photoshop. @MHBStudios
Churrasqueira Modelagem, texturização, iluminação e render. Programas: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop. Barbecue Area Modeling, texturing, lighting and rendering. Programs: 3dsmax + Vray render, photoshop. @MHBStudios
Salão de Festas Churrasqueira Modelagem, texturização, iluminação e render. Programas: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop. Assembly Room Modeling, texturing, lighting and rendering. Programs: 3dsmax + Vray render, photoshop. @MHBStudios.
Espaço Gourmet Modelagem, texturização, iluminação e render. Programas: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop. Gourmet Modeling, texturing, lighting and rendering. Programs: 3dsmax + Vray render, photoshop. @MHBStudios
Repouso Modelagem, texturização, iluminação e render. Programas: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop. Rest Modeling, texturing, lighting and rendering. Programs: 3dsmax + Vray render, photoshop. @MHBStudios
Churrasqueira Modelagem, texturização, iluminação e render. Programas: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop. Outdoor Barbecue Area Modeling, texturing, lighting and rendering. Programs: 3dsmax + Vray render, photoshop. @MHBStudios
Fachada Modelagem, texturização, iluminação e render. Programas: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop. Frontage Modeling, texturing, lighting and rendering. Programs: 3dsmax + Vray render, photoshop. @MHBStudios
Fachada Modelagem, texturização, iluminação e render. Programas: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop. Frontage Modeling, texturing, lighting and rendering. Programs: 3dsmax + Vray render, photoshop. @MHBStudios
Academia - Academy - Equipamentos. Programas: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop. Equipment. Programs: 3dsmax + Vray render, photoshop. @TSIAnimation
Espaco mulher - Woman area - Cadeiras e poltronas. Programas: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop. Chairs and armchairs. Programs: 3dsmax + Vray render, photoshop. @TSIAnimation
Bricolagem - DIY - Equipamentos em geral Programas: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop. Equipment in general. Programs: 3dsmax + Vray render, photoshop. @TSIAnimation
Salao de jogos - Mesas, jogos, cadeiras Programas: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop Games Room - Tables, games, chairs Programs: 3dsmax + Vray render, photoshop. @TSIAnimation
Salao - Living - Cadeiras, lustres, mesas. Programas: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop. Chairs, chandeliers, tables. Programs: 3dsmax + Vray render, photoshop. @TSIAnimation
Jogos adultos - Adult games - Mesas, lustres, poltronas, cadeiras Programas: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop. Tables, chandeliers, sofas, chairs Programs: 3dsmax + Vray render, photoshop.
Atelier - Mesas, lustres, cadeiras, equipamentos Programas: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop. Atelier - Tables, chandeliers, chairs, equipment Programs: 3dsmax + Vray render, photoshop. @TSIAnimation
Boliche - Bowling - Bolas, pinos, cadeiras, placar, suporte. Programas: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop. Balls, pins, chairs, plates, support. Programs: 3dsmax + Vray render, photoshop. @TSIAnimation
Espaco gourmet - Gourmet area - Mesas, lustres, decoracao , cadeiras Programas: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop. Tables, chandeliers, decor, chairs Programs: 3dsmax + Vray render, photoshop.
Dormitorio - Bedroom - Minha criacao com equipamentos evermotion. Programas: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop. My creation with equipment evermotion. Programs: 3dsmax + Vray render, photoshop.
Veterinario - Pet care - Casinhas, Mesas, Decoracao. Programas: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop. Houses, tables, decoration. Programs: 3dsmax + Vray render, photoshop.
Parque de diversao - Playground - Brinquedos Programas: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop. Toys. Programs: 3dsmax + Vray render, photoshop.
Parque infantil - Play baby - Brinquedos Programas: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop. Toys Programs: 3dsmax + Vray render, photoshop.
Arquitetura - architecture
Regis Bartok
3D Artist Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil