Original "Ike, the IT Guy" promotional for Cisco. First in line of a successful series.
Click to play . Enjoy!
Second "Ike, the IT Guy" in a string of well received Cisco promotional series.
Click to view, Enjoy.
Live action humor video for Cisco about the ever narrowing availability of IP addresses, via TVs "One Step Beyond" style
Click to view. Enjoy
Video Projects- Humor- Cisco Live Action and Animated - Plus Charity Promo

These are the first installments of a highly successful, humorous presentation series project as principle script editor at Cisco. I provided plot flow continuity, legal and branding compliance and added fun touches to the humor factor.

The last video is in celebration of the charity work of the Polycom Foundation for which I was the principal script writer.


Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Rob Hugger
Marcom Maestro: Writer / Editor / Content Strategist San Jose, CA