Clockwork Orange Timepiece

Clockwork Orange is a classic literary novel written by Stanley Kubrick, depicting a futuristic era in England, a dystopia haunted by extreme violence in the youth. Alex, the protagonist of the novel, is a young man who has an obsession about women. The clock is inspired by the characteristics of Alex(Vulgar and Temperamental, followed by systematic) and his obsession with ladies.

The model making process was heavily influenced by the literary words, relating the timepiece to his personality.

Clock(work) Orange is a timepiece that expresses the natural beauty of woman, as digits revolve along the contrapasto of the nude figure.The golden brass tubes impaling the women is reminiscent of Alex's violence, while the black circular plexi creates a bold silhouette to read the time.

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Freelance, Full-time
Richie Y Chen
Industrial Designer New York, NY