A Report on Web Enabled Contract Management System
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Home Page (User Side)
New User Registration Form
Home Page (Admin Side)
Contract Creation (Admin Side)
Contract Description (User Side)
Bidding Page for a Contract (User Side)
Payment Details (User Side)
Web Enabled Contract Management System (2006)

The goal of this project was to control and automate the entire process of contract management. It controls the entire life cycle of the contracts, from contract creation to contract management and finally contract closure. It addresses the following main issues:
• Saves time
• Enables Fast access through web
• Enhances Flexibility
• Prompt inquiries and reporting possible

Technologies Used:
Front-End: HTML,CSS and JavaScript

Back-End: PHP

Database: MySQL

Web Server: Apache

Riddhi Mankad
Software Engineer/Web Developer/J2EE Developer Austin, TX