Jewelry tool bag.
Artist book bag. Deerskin.
Purse. Leather and deerskin.
Purse. Leather.
7 strand mystery braid belt. Leather and brass.
Woven belt. Leather.
Explorations in Leather

My fascination and exploration with leather has been life long as I have always been an admirer of skilled leather working. As recently as 2010, I began my examination in earnest. Craftsmanship has been an integral part of everything that I do and therefore I enjoy working with leather because it is a material that can be unforgiving and hence showcases an attention to detail. It requires much forethought and planning because not only is it impossible to hide mistakes, but the stitching and construction require much more consideration than the traditional sewing of fabrics.

Robin Wajler
Co-Founder of Architextural Designs Harpswell, ME