Spinal Cord Implant Controller - As ANS Medical developed the most sophisticated Muilti-Stim software programs in the chronic pain relief industry,they understood that physicians and their patients would realize these benefits only if the control module were easy to understand and comfortable to wear.
Research revealed patients’ needs and technical skill thresholds, leading to the form and user interface model. Controls designed so that the patient can adjust amplitude levels without looking at the unit.
Teardrop shape enables device to be comfortably worn inside of clothing.

Capital Equipment - While at Richard Ten Eyck Associates I developed a rapid two-day presentation/work session format, involving the entire engineering team in the creative process.
Clients loved this process as it raised expectations for their internal engineering staff performance.
These sketches were done on-site, and represent a large volume of my work with capital equipment, where human factors and manufacturing elements fused with design vision.