The idea for the stitching came from my nickname as a kid, Robyn bobbin. I tried to incorporate a bobbin within the logo and feed off but it didn’t look right for my logo. So i decided to let the thread lead off with the needle, its simple and effective. The back of the stitching looked really effective too, so i decided to use both parts of the design, one side shows the immaculate presentation and design, where as the back shoes the hard work and method gone into the design.
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So the idea of ‘joined up thinking’ & ‘get in touch’ all fitted into my design of using aspects and qualities of Graphic Design and sewing the letters in the same typeface and cotton as the logo onto card and printing my slogan and logo to show the methods in my way of work. The idea is to see the beautifully stitched word on the front of the card and on the reverse see the hard work and methods gone into the finalised designs.
The reverse of my business card design.
The main information part of my CV.
So basically with Graphic Design you can’t smell it, taste it, hear it or touch it. Its all visual but with my designs it can be touched, the design of the thread gives the texture to the design and gives it the ability to be touched. So for the front design of my CV I wanted to create some kind of design to fit in with my theme. A finger print was a perfect solution, the identity of me and also the touch factor. Within the design I have incorporated images and words to do with my qualities as a designer.
Self Promotion

Self Promotion project to promote myself as a designer and my own way of attracting industry. The concept behind my design is all about getting in touch, joined up thinking.

Robyn Smith
Graphic Designer Warrington, United Kingdom