Bodynits website is a B2B type of website. Carefully curated layer of information presented. Managing the exclusive access to specific pages with individual business associates is being taken place. -
Aurora Plus Medical System Website
GlutaMAX Website
YSA Web Site - Conceptualized the structure of new YSA website "" using Photoshop, Flash & Dreamweaver
Artorial Bespoke Tailoring website. Please visit their live website here -
It is hard for me to say goodbye for this brand. I have worked for a decade to this company as graphic designer & I am handling all the graphic related job including web design.
Web Design

Web designing is a challenging job but making me abreast with the latest trend and available software. Artorial website showcasing layer of business information. I'm responsible creating their logo & images photography for this project.

Roger Oliva
UI Designer Role Singapore, Singapore