DESIGN 1 IDEATION PROCESS: Buckle with Dial System Inspired from Helmets & Measuring Tape
Design 1 (Buckle with Dial System) Concept Development - Technical Sketch
Design 2 Ideation Process - 4Point Lock Maganetic Harness Inspired from Car seat belts
Design 2 Technical Sketch - 4-Point Lock Maganetic Harness Inspired from Car seat belts
Ideation- Design 3 - Tightening Dial System Offers maximum flexibility with adaptive lacing system, front & side flex wings which conforms to foot shape
Technical Sketch- Design 3 - Tightening Dial System Offers maximum flexibility with adaptive lacing system, front & side flex wings which conforms to foot shape
Design 4 Ideation - Calibrating Buckle with Micrometer Gauge Inspiration: Attempt to create an Ultra-Minimalist, yet an innovative solution
Design 4 Technical Sketch - Calibrating Buckle with Micrometer Gauge Inspiration: Attempt to create an Ultra-Minimalist, yet an innovative solution
Design 4 Ideation - Double Closure system: Cord Lace Inner Closure/ Zippered Outer Closure Inspiration: Integrated Gravel Guards
Design 4 Technical Sketch - Double Closure system: Cord Lace Inner Closure/ Zippered Outer Closure Inspiration: Integrated Gravel Guards
Review Questionnaire with Design Packet was sent out to Industry Experts Instrument of selection: Opinion rating using a 5 point Matrix
Design 1: Buckle with Dial system was selected by Footwear Industry experts Instrument of selection: Opinion rating using a 5 point Matrix
Concept Detailing of outer Strap holding Buckle (Design 5 was shortlisted by Footwear Experts)
Front View: Right Foot
Concept Detailing of Buckle-Dial system (Design 5 was shortlisted by Footwear Experts)
Other application areas: Helmets
Other application areas: Elbow Pads
Other application areas: Bagpacks
Design and Evaluation of Functional Gear

Thesis Research Project: Design and Evaluation of Functional Gear for Protection, Fit and Mobility.
- 5 illustrative design concepts for fishing footwear fastening systems created based on iterative ideation process
- 1 fastening concept selected using feedback from footwear design experts
- Selected fastening concept refined and detailed using intricate 3-D models and detailed technical specification
- Application in other significant utility products like bag packs, helmets, sports equipment was presented

Freelance, Full-time
Ruchireeka Rath
Product development manager /Buyer Pittsburgh, PA