Daily routine icon set
Daily routine icon set - Icon narrative: 4 days diary
Life mapping (detail) - Information can translate about any data into visual graphs - that automatically empowers those datas with some kind "truthfulness". At the same time, anything can be turned into data... An experiment on "data-fying" my life.
Life mapping (detail) - Information can translate about any data into visual graphs - that automatically empowers those datas with some kind "truthfulness". At the same time, anything can be turned into data... An experiment on "data-fying" my life.
Life mapping (detail) - Information can translate about any data into visual graphs - that automatically empowers those datas with some kind "truthfulness". At the same time, anything can be turned into data... An experiment on "data-fying" my life.
Life mapping (detail) - Information can translate about any data into visual graphs - that automatically empowers those datas with some kind "truthfulness". At the same time, anything can be turned into data... An experiment on "data-fying" my life.
Life mapping (detail) - Information can translate about any data into visual graphs - that automatically empowers those datas with some kind "truthfulness". At the same time, anything can be turned into data... An experiment on "data-fying" my life.
Information design
Sophie Nevoux
Sophie's portfolio Bangalore, India