And she remembered...
Arms of Death
"Fly Girl" - Linoleum cut printed on Reeves paper. Created for "Spring Clean Up" Show NYC.
"I'm Sorry" - Wood cut relief, printing ink. "Contempt" Show. NYC
Perceval - An illustration for the story of Perceval, by Chretien de Troyes. Intended as a book cover.
Lets Go For a Walk - Woodblock print with watercolor painted on.
The Church - Woodcut, collage and computer manipulation. Illustrates a scene in the story of the Red Shoes. Hans Christen Andersen.
"Face Collage"
The Bottleneck - Part of "The Bottleneck" series. Woodblock print, and computer manipulation.
"This Broken Home"
Momento Mori
Prison Hall
Batyr the Great - Acrylic, expired tattoo ink on skate board. Created for "Carnival of Decks" NYC show.