Iteration - 1 of the Theme Illustration. To Ideate. Every human feat, achievement and triumph has had its genesis as an idea. Envisioning such an idea is an art that we are committed to, and we at Techniche embrace true Ideation. To Nurture. To Nurture your idea, is to make your dream a reality. Putting in the effort and showing the dedication that flows in giving the idea shape, Nurturing an idea is a vital step along the path of success. To Kindle. To watch the fire grow, that burning desire to complete the cycle by inspiring many more along the way. The illustration shows 3 basic forms that depict Ideate Nurture Kindle
2nd and final Iteration of the Illustration
Techncihe - Theme creative

Ideate Nurture Kindle - INK
The theme of Techniche '13 - The Annual Techno-Management Festival of IIT Guwahati.
I developed a creative for the theme which would be used throughout the festival and its publicity

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Safinah Ali
Student Guwahati, India