Logo for Campsite Home, a boutique home store in Ojai, California
Business card for the Campsite Home store
Letterhead for Campsite Home
Tissue paper pattern for Campsite Home gift wrapping
Logo for Campsite, a boutique clothing and gift store in Lake Arrowhead, California
Tissue paper pattern for Campsite gift wrapping
Logo for Campmaple, a home vacation rental in Lake Arrowhead, California
Front and back cover of the brochure for Campmaple
Inside of the brochure for Campmaple
Campsite and Campmaple

Campsite Home was a store located in Ojai, California. They carried a modern array of products for the kitchen, bathroom and other decorative home items. Campsite Lake Arrowhead was a clothing and gift store. Lastly, Campmaple is a beautifully renovated vacation home that is available for rent.

Samantha Shiener
Print and Identity Design Los Angeles, CA