Masterplan Model 1:500, handmade from reclaimed wood
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Material Flows & Processing Diagram
Environmental Analysis Sections
Site Analysis & Exploration
Masterplan Detail
Masterplan 1:1000
Cradle 2 Cradle Masterplan

This project is a group masterplan for the renewal of the Island, a brownfield site on the edge of Nottingham City Centre. We wanted to heal the damage that a century of industry had left on the site, and also address the socio-economic problems that its sudden departure and subsequent lack of development had caused in the wider community of Sneinton.

We attempted to do this by introducing a new form of industry to the Island, centred around the manufacture of products such as packaging and furniture from mycelium fibres. We hoped that the introduction of the new mycelium industry to the Island would create stable, long term jobs that could be given to local residents, helping to reduce unemployment and deprivation in Sneinton, as well as offering local youths apprenticeships in this new industry.

The entire process of production, use and recycling of these products was housed on our site, embodying the idea of Cradle to Cradle manufacturing as set out by Braungart & McDonough.

Sam Homer
Part II Architectural Assistant Nottingham, United Kingdom