Cinemetric Workshop- Measuring the Sensori- motor City

In the experimental drawing situations created by Design Drawing Lab, we aimed to explore the emergent nature of cities as social and physical extensions of the human sensori-motor system. Through performing scenes from three films: Yasujiro Ozu’s Early Spring (1956); Jean Luc Godard’s Contempt, (1963); and John Cassavetes’ Faces (1968), we measured the spatial and material impact of every-day gestures by our sensori-motor system.

While performing in a very limited space, we explored how the human sensori-motor system is affected, extended, and shaped by different urban environments, and in turn how we shape urban environments by we inhabit and regard the world. The purpose of the exercises was to become aware of the material and ecological impact of our actions through rigorous attentive sensori-motor practice.

Sarah Li
Student at Shih Chien University 台北, Taiwan