This was my original prototype, roughly sculpted in wax, reproduced in plastic slush-cast in a quick silicone mold. We used it to demonstrate the concept's potential to the client before quickly proceeding to styling and production..

The drawing was my mechanical art, the final design before autocad and tooling. It was discovered that the flat surfaces did not add much to stability, so they were removed for simplicity and improved elegance.

Patented Gourmac Cupcake Stacker - This patented design allows consumers or professional caterers to build elaborate structures with cupcakes. Released in 2009. Concept & Prototype: Sean Thomas Firm: Kolano DesignClient: Hutzler Manufacturing

Patented Gourmac Cupcake Stacker - This patented design allows consumers or professional caterers to build elaborate structures with cupcakes. Released in 2009.
Concept & Prototype: Sean Thomas
Firm: Kolano Design
Client: Hutzler Manufacturing

Patented Gourmac Cupcake Stacker - This patented design allows consumers or professional caterers to build elaborate structures with cupcakes. Released in 2009.
Concept & Prototype: Sean Thomas
Firm: Kolano Design
Client: Hutzler Manufacturing

Tendermade Mechanical Art

Tendermade SLA Model

This is another patented product that I developed and styled for Gourmac/Hutzler as a member of Kolano Design, including the wave pattern of spikes.

My concept sketch is an example of my hand in a number of Gourmac/Hutzler gadgets that commonly found as grocery store impulse items.