SBuzz -- A interactive toy for girls - The total amount of physical activity in children living in the Netherlands has decreased. TNO, the Dutch organization for Applied Scientific Research has researched the issue in 2006, operating on behalf of the Dutch Ministry for Health, Welfare and Sport. Design students were assigned to develop an interactive toy that stimulates movement. The toy should be geared towards girls in the age group of 6-12 years focusing on outdoors play. SBuzz was developed as an answer to this.
SBuzz -- Final experiential prototype explained
SBuzz -- Iterative design development - The concept aimed was developed in an iterative manner. First we simulated the game using static or semi-functional 3D sketches. After, but still in early stages, children were invited to play and inform designers about their impressions on the overall experience. The level of fidelity of the experience and the complexity of the prototypes evolved throughout the project development up to a fully working wireless solution. The project stopped before a final embodiment was designed.
SBuzz -- A interactive toy for girls
Bernardo van de...
Service & Experience Design Consultant Amsterdam, Netherlands