This is a website I designed and created for myself to house my photography collection, a hobby of mine. Almost the entire site, buttons and all, is drawn using actionscript only. To view this site, visit
This is a website I designed and created for myself to house my photography collection, a hobby of mine. Almost the entire site, buttons and all, is drawn using actionscript only.
This is a website I designed and created for myself to house my photography collection, a hobby of mine. Almost the entire site, buttons and all, is drawn using actionscript only.
This is a website I designed and created for myself to house my photography collection, a hobby of mine. Almost the entire site, buttons and all, is drawn using actionscript only.
This is a website I designed and created for myself to house my photography collection, a hobby of mine. Almost the entire site, buttons and all, is drawn using actionscript only.
