Ceramics - This is an example of my ceramic work. A slip cast functional teapot and four slab built vases. I am very experienced in model making due to the hours spent sculpting clay. I see form very well and communicate quite clearly three dimensional forms onto two dimensional surfaces.
charcoal drawings - I created this virtual space to display my figurative charcoal drawings.
AllOne contact case and solution - This idea came about when I was traveling frequently. I had a tricky time keeping up with a big bottle of solution and a tiny contact lens case. My idea has a four ounce refillable blow-molded container that the tubs fit into. A bridge connecting the two tubs also secures the pull/push action lid of the saline container. The design was accepted by the NCSU Office of Technology Transfer. A manufacturer is being sought to produce the design. There’s hope for frustrated contact lens wearers!
AllOne contact case and solution - In the three weeks time I had to complete this project. I searched for various possibilities. I considered a sporty-neoprene-gear look, rugged clasps, and novel accordion saline chambers. I concluded that the scale of the contact lens container would not work well with the rugged clasp. I decided that for security, the traditional screw on lid was the best way to go.