Front and back cover: Although the brochure offers general information, my aim was to create a cover that focuses on men's health and wellbeing - since this is a pretty big issue today I felt it was important to make men feel included.
Creative Matters Campaign Brochure

Fictitious company that I made up, based around a subject that I feel very passionate about.

Creative Matters is an organisation that strives to help people bring more art into their lives.

They offer talks and presentations about how creating art (of any kind) can have great positive impact on people's health, wellbeing and development. No matter what stage of life you're at, creativity can benefit you.

They also offer a variety of creative classes for people of various ages and abilities and for different purposes - whether it's to help with a child's development, a way for seniors to socialize and feel included or simple for a busy individual in need for a distraction and to relief the stress of everyday life.

I created a brochure that can be shared for free with individuals as well as medical centres, schools, care homes and other relevant locations.

This brochure offers a brief overview of the ways art can benefit us all at different stages of life.

Copywriting is by me.

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Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Silja Ros
Graphic Designer Vancouver, BC