Flying dog, 2014. Cassidy was walking the dog when all of the sudden Tobin begins to levitate. Cassidy doesn't know what is happening with her dog and starts to freak out. But as it turns out, Tobin had ingested some nuts that a magic elf has dropped which allows her to fly.
Floating with a balloon, 2014. Matthew saw the balloon floating in the air and he grabbed on to it. Only after he began to float away did he realize what he had done. Prior to seeing the balloon he drank a liquid that would allow him to defy gravity when the opportunity presented itself. He could not stop the gradually rise because the balloon was knotted to his wrist.

Creating these photos has heightened my creativity because it allows me to see the other possibilities that are presented when taking a photo. I now can create something more interesting and less realistic with the photos that I take.

Kaleigh Sisco
Professional Students Jackson, NJ