BiNusMaya (E-learning) - This all Website that i created while im Working In Bina Nusantara - IS Development
BiNus Shool - This all Website that i created while im Working In Bina Nusantara - IS Development
APICTA Award 2006 - This all Website that i created while im Working In Bina Nusantara - IS Development
JJ Royal Coffee - This one is my latest client, JJ Royal is company that produce quality coffee from Toraja. This company has export his product to Japan, Singapore n other countries. You can find some of this product in COCOA TREE outlet in Singapore, Jakarta n others. you can visit the web by access this link
IMSMA - My Client is a Mosquito spiral Manufacturer which held International Mosquito conference in BALI. This Website I Created With My Friends. I'm just Designing the User Interface and creating the flash animation. My Friends did the rest (such as ASP code and database).
Knuckles - Another Clients From USA - As a Freelance Designer
Vanessa Kessler - Well this is my client from United States.. actually im collaborating with a company from USA called starfruit design they outsourcing this project to me. n im very excited to do this job coz this is my first client from outside my country..
Hypernet - One of my client from Indonesia - Its a Company that provide Hosting and other technical device like Wireless etc.
Camus Coffee Website - This is my Latest Client. Its CAMUS Coffee, CAMUS is a company from France a Family firm specialising in the production of cognac. This time they produced coffee too.
Priuk Website - This is one of my clients that move in Restaurant publishing and Food info in Jakarta Indonesia.
Blurleather Website - This is one of my client in US
lifequotereview - This is my latest client from USA. and this is the link Design including logo.
Cholent Search - My Latest Client From New York.
JJ Royal Coffee Website (new) - This is one of my client from indonesia JJ Royal Coffee. Heres the link :
NewAsiaFood Website - One of my client from USA. New Asia Food. heres the link : im responsible for designing Logo, Web Layout and other design content
Arbor Troy Website - This is my latest client from indonesia. collaberating with waykambas design.
Felix Angkawibawa
Digital Designer / Art Director Jakarta, Indonesia