Please Come: Shameless/Limitless Selected Posters & Texts 2008–2020

Please Come: Shameless/Limitless Selected Posters & Texts 2008–2020 is a 536-page brick of a book. It charts the history of Shameless/Limitless, a Berlin promoter whose trajectory has paralleled (is responsible for?) the establishment of the most recent iteration of the city’s DIY music scene.

Immerse yourself in the unique aesthetics of the Berlin DIY-club scene!

Publisher: Slanted Publishers
Editor: Kevin Halpin
Design: Norman Palm, fertig design
Production: Zille Sophie Bostinius
Release: July 2021
Volume: 536 pages
Format: 17 × 24 × 3.2 cm
Language: English
Printing: 4-color offset, Pinguin Druck
ISBN: 978-3-948440-26-8
Price: € 42.–

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Slanted Publishers
Editor, Designer, Publisher Karlsruhe, Germany