Obama - Hand drew then inked. Utilized Photoshop to color image and Illustrator to add font details. (Sold to my client)

We're Cousins - Had fun with this one.

Photo Shoot 2009 - Modeling Scene for 2009

Fashion Freak

Personal T-Shirt Design

What The F*$k

Ohh Henry!!! - Personal tee shirt design.

Ohh Henry!!!! - Drew image and manipulated it in Photoshop and Illustrator.

Fucking Banana's! - Took photographed image and utilized live trace to perfect image. Hand drew box and banana.

Go Colorful!

Ohh Angee - Took images of Angelina and vectorized them and made a pattern. See shirt in previous picture.

Please Don't Shoot!

Three Gals Falling

Milk Chocolate - Hand drew and inked. Used Photoshop to render image for a client

Fight For Your Rights

Kiss Me

Think Science

Happy To See Me?