Store Entry - 3D Studio Max, Photoshop and RPC People.
Stores in Florida - One of my largest composited images. Used 3D Studio Max, Photoshop, RPC People, Xfrog Plants and rendering times.
Where is my car? - View looking toward parking area out entry of store. 3D Studio Max, Photoshop, RPC People and Plants, Xfrog plants.
View looking down. - Looking down on Big Box retailer. We needing to see the traffic and entry areas for city planning. 3D Studio Max, Photoshop, Autocad.
Palm Tree Study - I modified almost every Xfrog Plant to make them look like the real plants. Here was a review of my modification for the Royal Palm. Many architecture used plants are cut a certain way not like in nature. Manicured Look.
The Wall - Hide the back of the building with walls and plants.
Lunch time - Resturant
Scott Alan Lucas
•Process Engineer and Design Specialist Lees Summit, MO