1/2 home / where is home? - Vector illustration and digital matte painting for Video Installation and Motion Graphic piece
Café Latte / work in progress - Still frames of a morphing sequence. Experimental short film made with, Flame, Shake, Houdini, Maya, After effects and Final Cut Pro
Café Latte / work in progress - Female 3D model for an experimental short film. Modeler Ariel Diaz.
media / stereotypes - 2 minutes independent compositing and motion graphics project about "How the media creates stereotypes for every race" done with shake, after effects, photoshop, illustrator, pro tools, maya and premier.
friguey's video clip - 3D & compositing video clip for a band with latin, ska and rock influences called"Friguey". This video clip is for the track Raquelita.com (4:25 min) which belongs to their last musical production 2003. All of the characters were modeled, texturized and are beign animated in maya 4.5 using a cartoon shader.