Innovation Map
System Mindmap
Exploration Sketchs
Clay Model
Visualization Exterior
Visualization interior
Mobei Network

There are 9 Potential Areas of an Eco- Industrial Network: Materials; Transportation; Human Resources; Information & Communication Systems; Quality of life; Energy; Marketing; Environment/Health/ Safety & Production Processes.

This Research helped to define the question “How will people and Goods move around in the future large over crowded Industrial Parks ?” as an opportunity to Design a Conceptual solution for a future scenario.

The MOBEI network seeks to work sustainability for the major industrial cities of the future, in order to ensure greater work efficiency in large industries with a eco-efficient mobility system. This vehicle is an intelligent self driven and monitored with sensory guides easily installed in the soil. All the materials are extracted and converted directly from industrial surplus as plastic or wood fibres.

Paulo Spinola
Strategic Product Designer Singen, Germany