Security - The form attempts to represent a set of attributes, character or emotions in three dimensions. Starting with a broad definition of security, and then identifying the factors that create a sense of security, the form tries to combine two contradictory attributes of security and insecurity. Security and insecurity are inseparable as the positive and negative and any attempt to define one leads to the definition of the other.
Initial Sketch - As the consciousness of a being develops it develops with it a sense of insecurity or the fear of nature, other hostile beings and the unexplained. The true sense of security is before the development of consciousness, epitomized by the embryo state. The form represents the secure embryo in the negative space and the development of consciousness and the subsequent insecurity in the new born as the positive form. A single continuous form states the two as manifestations of one and the same.
Basic Form - Starting with a square and then developing a 2D repetitive form, it transcends the realm of 2D and develops into a 3D form. This tessellates in three dimensional spaces to form a whole array of interesting secondary forms. The application of the tessellations may include modular architecture and toys.
Tessellation 01
Tessellation 02
Form Study
Sreejith Kumar Palekudy...
Industrial Designer Director/ Creative Head Ahmedabad, India